Look at this cutie with all his little naptime buddies!!
Talk about a good sport, Jake wasn't feeling very well,
a cold coming on and yet he was posing for Grammie!
Gotta love it!
We had a freezing day today with the wind doing it's best to knock me over! I managed to take a couple of pictures before the wind picked up this morning before heading to work. I love the backyard when the tree is in bloom, can't wait for it to warm up so I can go sit back there with my coffee first thing in the morning!

My wisteria!
This is new to my blog... my dwarf apple tree, just now blossoming!

Well I'm hoping to get to my craft table this weekend, I'm just really needing to get some of the creative juices flowing. But, I've got to clean house first that's my priority in the next couple of days so I can have a day off to "play."
We were blessed with some great news yesterday. Our oldest daughter, Amy got a new job. We've been praying she would get a job in her field (Health Science) since she graduated from Chico State in January. She put herself through school after moving away about 12 years ago. The funny thing is that she has said she would never move back to our area and live, NEVER! Of course you probably know where this is heading.... her interview was in Sacramento,
however the job is in Eureka which is close to where we live!!
You won't believe how many times I've said to her "never say never"
and I always got the response, "Oh mom, I'm not moving back"
Well, she knows this is a "God-thing" and for her to admit that, is answer to prayer, too!
All my kids are living back close and we have our grandbabies close by too!
How can life get any better??!!
Well, I've got homework to finish (Esther - "It's tough being a Woman" by Beth Moore) from the Ladies Bible Study that I'm facilitating. If you have the opportunity to do this Bible Study I encourage you to do so. The homework is so interesting (I hate to call it homework, I always hated homework!!) I'm having a great time with it! It may be tough being a woman but this woman (me) is truly blessed!!

Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on the earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Col 3:2-3
"Let's respond out of our mind-set rather than our mood"
(I had the above quote written next to the above Scripture but I'm not sure who said it!)