Hello Delightful friends and family!
You know what time it is! Word Art Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge day! It's challenge #336 & #337 and hope you can take some time to join us for our twice a month challenge. We have 2 sponsors this challenge, $15 from the Project Bin and an adhesive package from Stix to Anything. Thanks so much to our generous sponsors! We had over 300 entries last challenge!! Thanks so much for sharing your projects with us.
Here is my card for the challenge:
I have to be honest, this card was a total flop, I was trying to freehand some flowers, specifically a loose rose design. I had gotten a pretty new watercolor tube called Quinacridone Magenta by Daniel Smith and I was excited to try it out. So I was trying a different technique I had seen an artist use but my outcome was an epic failure. However, as I tell the ladies in my classes at Scrapper's Edge, let's make this a "flop-ortunity" and so that's what I endeavored to do! I added some doodles with a Micron Pen and added the Scripture art to the center and voila! A card is made. Just as a sidenote, I'm not giving up on learning these different techniques, I know they take practice, lots of practice and patience on my part! So, I am willing to be patient, to practice and then practice some more to perfect these techniques.
Our Scripture this week is from Psalm 48:14, it reminds us that God is who He says He is and will continually guide us forever. I'm so glad I can trust Him to lead me and guide me along this life. I love His faithfulness, even when I don't deserve it. After all, His grace is sufficient and I know His Word stands firm. I am so blessed and confident that nothing can separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
That's it for me today! It's been a crazy few days, please keep my 80 year old mother in your prayers. She had knee replacement surgery on Friday and is recovering and it's been very painful. Physical therapy will be starting in a few days and that's pretty hard on her but we know she will benefit from all of it very soon!