Hello Delightful friends and family!
I received some happy mail from one of my online friends and sisters in Christ, Stephanie from The Enchanted Rose blog. Just had to share the fun and beautiful items I received. Thank you so much Stephanie. Be sure and visit her blog HERE. .JPG)
I had a wonderful and refreshing time at the Living Proof event in Eugene, Oregon this past weekend. It definitely was worth the 5 plus hour drive from California! I love how Beth Moore teaches the Word, I have 4 pages of notes and so many Scripture references. I was not just gathering information, there was so much revelation to make one more fruitful in our Christian walk. (isn't that what we are called to be... to be fruit producers?!) Beth was led by the Lord in a very "timely" message. If you were able to attend and you read this I hope you'll leave a comment. Seeing so many women worshiping the Lord and drinking in the Word blessed my soul and I was privileged to join in with all these precious believers. Jesus definitely was lifted up and glorified in the event. Travis Cottrell and the team of singers and musicians led the worship in a most excellent way. I can't say enough times how our Lord was lifted up. 13 women came forward to receive Christ. Just thinking on that response gets me teary eyed all over again. We were encouraged, challenged and Lord willing no one left unchanged. I know I needed a refreshing from the Lord and I received that from Him. God is good and so faithful. To God be all the glory and may the Lord continue the work that went on in Eugene and spill out over all the pacific northwest. Spiritual planting and watering went on in a big way and I know that God will bring about the increase! Again: To God be all the glory!!
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11