Sunday, March 22, 2009

Welcome Spring....or Not!

There were dark menacing clouds this morning, as I looked out my front door. However, that didn't dampen my spirit! I'm still feeling revived and refreshed from the Ministers' Wives Event!!! It was fun reliving the conference with some of our ladies this morning as I was sharing a little bit of the teaching I heard and the encouragement I received! I brought back a real nice canvas book bag for the ladies that are so faithful in teaching the kids in Sunday School and Kids Church. Thanks Annette, Stephanie, Sharon and Susie for your faithfulness every week!!! (and they loved the bag!)

I can't believe the turn in weather! How fickle spring weather can be! Snow level is down to 2,000 feet.

We are a little above sea level but we still feel the effects of it. Brrrrr with a capital "B" we even had a hail shower as I was getting ready to walk over to the church. I don't know why I'm surprised I can remember when I was in high school that it snowed the last week in March at sea level, it was a memorable day, I was getting my braces off! It's rare to snow in Eureka (where my orthodontist's office was located) which is right on the coast but it actually snowed at the beach, it was a strange sight!

My camera's not the greatest but you can see the hail leaving it's mark here in my backyard.

Well, this afternoon the hail is all melted but the cold remains! I think I'm going to snuggle under a blanket with a magazine and just rest a bit before the evening service. It would be nice not to have to go out in the cold but... I'm the pastors' wife! I'm called and I've been encouraged! I guess I will sneak over there and turn up the thermostat :-) I know the ladies won't mind that at all!

This is certainly not the most exciting post and if you've managed to read to the end, I just want to say "bless your heart!" Keep me in your prayers, I've got to get my part of the "tax stuff" together for our appointment on April 3rd. But if I hurry and get it together then I can get back into my scrapbooking mode and create!!! I'm missing that a lot. Have a wonderful day and stay warm and dry!!!

Embracing His Grace,


And the peace of God which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7


  1. Wow, hail, yuck!!! Good luck with getting your taxes together. Isn't it funny that we try to rush through all those necessary things so we can get back to scrapping? (BTW-Love your scripture passage in your signature at CMK.)

  2. Spring weather certainly is unpredictable, isn't it? I really enjoyed your photos, though.

  3. It has been so warm where I live that I forget that others still have winter. Hope it warms up soon for you all and that your tax preparation goes well. That is something that I need to do as well. Hmmm maybe this week. :-)
