Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
It's still Wednesday on the west coast!! It's not too late (almost though) to post this. Be sure and check out CHRISTIAN PAPER CRAFTS and see the beautiful card Chelsea made to give away to someone in need of encouragement and prayer and there is a very nice bonus gift for the winner this week from one of the CPC members, Cassandra! You have one week to make a comment there to be eligible to have the card sent on your behalf. Something new that Chelsea started today is a blog called WAIT FOR THE LORD CARDS be sure to check out that site and follow the blog hop and see all the fantastic cards that could be sent for you to someone in need. There is also a giveaway sponsored by OUR DAILY BREAD DESIGNS. So you definitely want to check out this new ministry. I will tell you that the talented card designers will impress you with their love for the Lord and their wonderful ministry of giving. My prayers are with you ladies!! God bless you.
Great ministry that Chelsea has going on and Cassandra sure has been winning a lot of stuff from us lately! Loving your recipe box Nat! Will be praying for your weeks to calm down a bit.