Well Friday is here!! It's been a quick week. A busy week :-) and I praise the Lord I'm active and healthy to be able to participate in the activities of every day life! God is so good to me. So many are not able to get out of their bed today whether it's a physical problem or perhaps suffering from depression. My own son-in-law's father is lying in ICU after having a quadruple bypass and part of his aorta rebuilt (he suffered a heart attack Monday night) and wasn't given much chance to survive. BUT, surgery was Wednesday a.m. and he is still here, we believe in the God of miracles and my prayer has been that he would not leave this earth without another opportunity to receive Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. I serve a God who doesn't pay attention to man's negative reports, aren't you blessed to know that!
In my Bible Study today I was challenged or probably better said, I was convicted by something that I've been battling as long as I've been a Christian. This is my struggle (one of many): sometimes what I want may seem all about God, but oftentimes God reveals to me my true motive of self centeredness. Not a very pretty picture, and not a real glowing report about myself. Even though I may not like to think I'm self-centered more times than not, I am. I believe that is why it's so important to evaluate our own walk with Christ. ("work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" Philippians 2:12) God looks straight into this pitiful, deceptive heart of mine and exposes that tendency to be self seeking and I praise Him for loving me enough to correct me and not let me stay in this state.
The purpose for evaluating our walk is so that we can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to repent and overcome this sin of pride (yes, pride) and as we identify this subtle or not so subtle area, the Lord begins His restoration work. For me it's been a long process... ugh! But I'm hoping and praying that the occurances will be fewer. I want the mind of Christ, I want to as 1 Tim 6:11 states to, "follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and meekness."
Have a wonderful weekend and please, count your blessings!
Beautiful post, Natalie, thank you for that. I wish all the best for your son's father-in-law. I'll be thinking of you.
I will say a prayer for your family. Beautiful post!